States With No Income Tax





States that have chosen not to impose an income tax have become popular destinations for individuals and businesses seeking to minimize their tax burden. These states include Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, and Wyoming. By eliminating income tax, these states offer residents the advantage of retaining a larger portion of their earnings.

Among the states with no income tax, Alaska stands out due to its unique approach to revenue generation. Instead of relying on income tax, the state funds its operations primarily through revenue from its vast reserves of natural resources, particularly oil. This approach allows Alaskans to enjoy the benefits of living in a state with a thriving economy and without the burden of an income tax.

Florida is another state that attracts individuals and retirees with its lack of income tax. The state’s warm climate, beautiful beaches, and lack of state income tax have made it a popular destination for those seeking a tax-friendly environment. Additionally, Florida relies heavily on tourism, which helps offset the revenue typically generated through income taxes.

Nevada, known for its bustling city of Las Vegas, is renowned for its zero income tax policy. The state’s economy is fueled by its vibrant entertainment and hospitality industries, as well as its business-friendly environment. With no income tax to worry about, residents and businesses in Nevada have more flexibility in managing their finances and investments.

South Carolina and South Dakota are two states that have chosen to forego income tax while still funding their operations through other means. South Carolina relies on sales taxes and property taxes to generate revenue, while South Dakota derives income from sales taxes, tourism, and other sources. These states’ tax structures provide residents with greater control over their disposable income and promote economic growth.

Tennessee is another state that does not impose an income tax on wages and salaries. Instead, it levies a tax on interest and dividends. This approach allows residents to enjoy the benefits of a relatively low overall tax burden while encouraging investments and savings.

Texas and Wyoming, like the other states mentioned, do not impose income taxes. Both states have thriving economies driven by various industries, including energy, agriculture, and technology. The absence of state income tax contributes to the business-friendly environment, attracting entrepreneurs and corporations to establish their operations in these states.

Overall, states with no income tax offer individuals and businesses an opportunity to maximize their earnings and retain more control over their financial futures. However, it is important to consider the entire tax landscape, including other taxes and the cost of living, when evaluating the overall affordability and financial benefits of residing or doing business in these states.

Here is the list of the states with no income tax :

1. Alaska – 0%
2. Florida – 0%
3. Nevada – 0%
4. South Carolina – 0%
5. South Dakota – 0%
6. Tennessee – 0%
7. Texas – 0%
8. Wyoming – 0%

States With No State Tax

#StateIncome Tax RateState-Local Tax BurdenCapital Gains Tax RateAmount of Individual Income Tax Refunds
1Washington7%10.7%7%22 million
2Maine5.8%12.4%7.15%4 million
3Minnesota5.35%12.1%9.85%16 million
4Kentucky5%9.6%5%14 million
5Massachusetts5%11.5%5%19 million
6New Hampshire5%9.6%0%4 million
7North Carolina4.99%9.9%4.99%30 million
8Illinois4.95%12.9%4.95%37 million
9Utah4.95%12.1%4.95%10 million
10Oregon4.75%10.8%9.9%12 million
11Colorado4.55%9.7%4.55%16 million
12Michigan4.25%8.6%4.25%30 million
13District of Columbia4%12%5.75%2 million
14Mississippi4%9.8%5%9 million
15New York4%15.9%8.82%58 million
16Rhode Island3.75%11.4%5.99%3 million
17Wisconsin3.54%10.9%7.65%17 million
18Vermont3.35%13.6%8.75%2 million
19Indiana3.23%9.3%3.23%21 million
20Kansas3.1%11.2%5.7%8 million
21Pennsylvania3.07%10.6%3.07%39 million
22Connecticut3%15.4%6.99%10 million
23West Virginia3%9.8%6.5%5 million
24Ohio2.77%10%4.8%35 million
25Arizona2.59%9.5%4.5%21 million
26Nebraska2.46%11.5%6.84%6 million
27Delaware2.2%12.4%6.6%3 million
28Alabama2%9.8%5%15 million
29Arkansas2%10.2%5.5%9 million
30Maryland2%11.3%5.75%17 million
31Virginia2%12.5%5.75%24 million
32Louisiana1.85%9.1%4.25%14 million
33New Mexico1.7%10.2%5.9%6 million
34Missouri1.5%9.3%5.4%18 million
35Hawaii1.4%14.1%7.25%4 million
36New Jersey1.4%13.2%10.75%26 million
37North Dakota1.1%8.8%2.9%2 million
38California1%13.5%13.3%109 million
39Georgia1%8.9%5.75%31 million
40Idaho1%10.7%6.93%5 million
41Montana1%10.5%4.9%3 million
42Iowa0.33%11.2%8.53%9 million
43Oklahoma0.25%9%4.75%12 million
44Alaska0%4.6%0%2 million
45Florida0%9.1%0%68 million
46Nevada0%9.6%0%10 million
47South Carolina0%8.9%7%15 million
48South Dakota0%8.4%0%3 million
49Tennessee0%7.6%0%21 million
50Texas0%8.6%0%92 million
51Wyoming0%7.5%0%2 million

States With No Income Tax


See less


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


15 million

Ranked in the US


Alabama has a 2% income tax rate, placing it among the states with relatively low income tax rates.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


2 million

Ranked in the US


Alaska has a 0% income tax rate, ranking it among the states with the lowest income tax rates.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


21 million

Ranked in the US


Arizona has a 2.59% income tax rate, placing it among the states with relatively low income tax rates.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


9 million

Ranked in the US


Arkansas' income tax rate is 2%, ranking it among the states with relatively low income tax rates.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


109 million

Ranked in the US


California has a 1% income tax rate, making it one of the states with relatively low income tax rates.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


16 million

Ranked in the US


Colorado has a 4.55% income tax rate, placing it among the states with the highest income tax rates in the US.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


10 million

Ranked in the US


Connecticut has a 3% income tax rate, making it one of the states with relatively low income tax rates.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


3 million

Ranked in the US


Delaware has a 2.20% income tax rate, ranking it among the states with relatively low income tax rates.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds

District of Columbia

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Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


2 million

Ranked in the US


The District of Columbia has a 4% income tax rate, ranking it among the places with the highest income tax rates in the US.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


68 million

Ranked in the US


Florida also has a 0% income tax rate, making it one of the states with the lowest income tax rates.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


31 million

Ranked in the US


Georgia's income tax rate is 1%, placing it among the states with relatively low income tax rates.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


4 million

Ranked in the US


Hawaii's income tax rate is 1.40%, ranking it among the states with relatively low income tax rates.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


5 million

Ranked in the US


Idaho has a 1% income tax rate, ranking it among the states with relatively low income tax rates.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


37 million

Ranked in the US


Illinois has a 4.95% income tax rate, ranking it among the states with the highest income tax rates in the US.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


21 million

Ranked in the US


Indiana has a 3.23% income tax rate, making it one of the states with the highest income tax rates in the US.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


9 million

Ranked in the US


Iowa's income tax rate is 0.33%, ranking it among the states with relatively low income tax rates.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


8 million

Ranked in the US


Kansas has a 3.10% income tax rate, placing it among the states with the highest income tax rates in the US.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


14 million

Ranked in the US


Kentucky has a 5% income tax rate, ranking it among the states with the highest income tax rates in the US.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


14 million

Ranked in the US


Louisiana's income tax rate is 1.85%, making it one of the states with relatively low income tax rates.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


4 million

Ranked in the US


Maine has a 5.80% income tax rate, placing it among the states with the highest income tax rates in the US.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


17 million

Ranked in the US


Maryland has a 2% income tax rate, making it one of the states with relatively low income tax rates.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


19 million

Ranked in the US


Massachusetts has a 5% income tax rate, placing it among the states with the highest income tax rates in the US.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


30 million

Ranked in the US


Michigan has a 4.25% income tax rate, ranking it among the states with the highest income tax rates in the US.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


16 million

Ranked in the US


Minnesota has a 5.35% income tax rate, ranking it among the states with the highest income tax rates in the US.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


9 million

Ranked in the US


Mississippi has a 4% income tax rate, placing it among the states with the highest income tax rates in the US.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


18 million

Ranked in the US


Missouri's income tax rate is 1.50%, placing it among the states with relatively low income tax rates.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


3 million

Ranked in the US


Montana's income tax rate is 1%, making it one of the states with relatively low income tax rates.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


6 million

Ranked in the US


Nebraska's income tax rate is 2.46%, making it one of the states with relatively low income tax rates.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


10 million

Ranked in the US


Nevada's income tax rate is 0%, placing it among the states with the lowest income tax rates.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds

New Hampshire

See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


4 million

Ranked in the US


New Hampshire has a 5% income tax rate, making it one of the states with the highest income tax rates in the US.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds

New Jersey

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Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


26 million

Ranked in the US


New Jersey has a 1.40% income tax rate, making it one of the states with relatively low income tax rates.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds

New Mexico

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Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


6 million

Ranked in the US


New Mexico has a 1.70% income tax rate, ranking it among the states with relatively low income tax rates.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds

New York

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Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


58 million

Ranked in the US


New York has a 4% income tax rate, making it one of the states with the highest income tax rates in the US.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds

North Carolina

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Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


30 million

Ranked in the US


North Carolina has a 4.99% income tax rate, making it one of the states with the highest income tax rates in the US.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds

North Dakota

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Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


2 million

Ranked in the US


North Dakota has a 1.10% income tax rate, placing it among the states with relatively low income tax rates.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


35 million

Ranked in the US


Ohio's income tax rate is 2.77%, ranking it among the states with relatively low income tax rates.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


12 million

Ranked in the US


Oklahoma has a 0.25% income tax rate, placing it among the states with relatively low income tax rates.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


12 million

Ranked in the US


Oregon has a 4.75% income tax rate, making it one of the states with the highest income tax rates in the US.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


39 million

Ranked in the US


Pennsylvania has a 3.07% income tax rate, ranking it among the states with the highest income tax rates in the US.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds

Rhode Island

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Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


3 million

Ranked in the US


Rhode Island has a 3.75% income tax rate, making it one of the states with the highest income tax rates in the US.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds

South Carolina

See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


15 million

Ranked in the US


South Carolina has a 0% income tax rate, ranking it among the states with the lowest income tax rates.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds

South Dakota

See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


3 million

Ranked in the US


South Dakota also has a 0% income tax rate, making it one of the states with the lowest income tax rates.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


21 million

Ranked in the US


Tennessee's income tax rate is 0%, placing it among the states with the lowest income tax rates.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


92 million

Ranked in the US


Texas has a 0% income tax rate, ranking it among the states with the lowest income tax rates.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


10 million

Ranked in the US


Utah has a 4.95% income tax rate, placing it among the states with the highest income tax rates in the US.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


2 million

Ranked in the US


Vermont has a 3.35% income tax rate, ranking it among the states with the highest income tax rates in the US.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


24 million

Ranked in the US


Virginia's income tax rate is 2%, placing it among the states with relatively low income tax rates.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


22 million

Ranked in the US


Washington has a 7% income tax rate, making it the state with the highest income tax rates in the US.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds

West Virginia

See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


5 million

Ranked in the US


West Virginia's income tax rate is 3%, placing it among the states with relatively low income tax rates.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


17 million

Ranked in the US


Wisconsin has a 3.54% income tax rate, placing it among the states with the highest income tax rates in the US.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


See more


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds


2 million

Ranked in the US


Wyoming's income tax rate is 0%, making it one of the states with the lowest income tax rates.

Income Tax Rate

State-Local Tax Burden

Capital Gains Tax Rate

Amount of Individual Income Tax Refunds



What states have no income tax ?

The states with no state income tax are Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, and Wyoming.

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